Thursday, December 30, 2010


You have some large goal that you wish to achieve in 2011 (in your life), something you feel that you are destined to create. if you reach that goal, it will bring you far greater satisfaction than the evanescent thrills that come from outside diversions. to get there you will have to
1-Learn a CRAFT-Educate yourself and develop the proper skills. Remember that "All human activities involve a process of mastery.
2-You must learn the various STEPS and PROCEDURES involved, proceeding to higher and higher level of PROFICIENCY. This requires DISCIPLINE and TENACITY-the ability to withstand repetitive activity,slowness and the anxiety that comes with a CHALLENGE.
3-You must HELP OTHERS you meet on your way to success, help those whose are in the process of building you up, create an enabling environment for others to grow.
4-Be APPRECIATIVE,give thanks to you Creator and follow human for their support and concern towards your success.He that is full of thanksgiving creates an avenue for more rooms of unexpected blessings.
5-Never you SETTLE FOR LESS,having a larger goal will lift your mind out of the moment and help you endure the hard work.You see yourself improving,you see connection,possibilities.
6-Be CONSISTENT,when you develop the act of doing a particular thing over and over again, you will learn new methods,meet and make new friends that will key into the dream and produce better results with more,little or no effort.
7-Finally,remember that the code to creativity "All things are possible with GOD"-Matthew 19:26. You can't strike Him out of the equation if truly you want to CREATE A CHANGE.
In conclusion, living by the above rules will help us achieve our desired goals in 2011 and as events unfolds we all must endeavor to be an ELEMENT OF CHANGE in our home,community and for our country.



Friday, September 3, 2010


This is a thought and a mental adjuster or rather you might decide to read through the article and give it your own title such The Psychology of Power or the Development of Power etc.
The ideal came to me after so many years of living a borrowed life (or what Nigerians called a “Photocopy”), trying to be someone, something else.
So, what about “the Chromosome of Power”
To start with I will like to define the following terms
CHROMOSOMES are rod shaped structure, usually found in a cell nucleus that carries the genes that determine sex and the characteristics an organism inherits from its parents. A human body cell usually contains 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs.

This karyotype of a human male shows the 23 pairs of chromosomes that are typically present in human cells.

POWER is the ability, strength and capacity to do something, control and influence over other people and their actions, authority to act or do something according to law or rule.
The merger or the union between the two terms gives us the title of this article known as “THE CHROMOSOMES OF POWER”
The third basic theory of moral development puts the emphasis on intellectual growth, arguing that virtue and vice are ultimately a matter of conscious choice. The best-known cognitive theories are those of psychologists Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg. Both described children's early moral beliefs as oriented toward power and authority. Over time they come to understand that social rules are made by people and thus can be renegotiated and that reciprocity in relationships is more fair than the decision of a person irrespective of what others do or think (unilateral obedience). Kohlberg identified a six-stage sequence in the maturation of moral judgment. Several thousand studies have used it as a measure of how advanced a person's moral reasoning is.
Here are some basic experimental truths, fundamental principles on the Chromosomes of Power.


Power must always be balanced by responsibility. Otherwise it is tyranny. - Peter Drucker
One of man's greatest failings is that he looks almost always for an excuse in the misfortune that befalls him through his own fault, before looking for a remedy—which means he often finds the remedy too late. Every human is basically responsible for himself, and this responsibility can never be assumed by anyone.
Being responsible for yourself gives you the ability, strength and capacity to do something, to control and influence over other people and their actions. It gives you authority to act according to law or rule. A responsible person is a LEADER because a leader is someone that can act, control and possesses the capacity to influence others. A responsible person is someone who acts under some fundamental principles or a lay down rules. A responsible person can define the reality of his existence.

So ask yourself, if you are responsible for your actions?

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you.
Example: Barack Obama (Health Reform), Napoleon Bonaparte, YOU (Because you are here today)
The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware. - Henry Miller
To be aware we need to act quickly when required, to sense the spirit of your followers or the need of your subjects (followers) or to instantaneously sum up a situation with a glance. You have probably seen others around you, in your classes, in seminars, meetings who seem to be “in the know,” raising issues that you never have thought of. Then you ask yourself, how do they possess such chromosome? Well, the answer is that such a person is aware, observant about certain details of the situations, environment or duty given.
If the building of a bridge does not enrich the awareness of those who work on it, then that bridge ought not to be built and the citizens can go on swimming across the river or going by boat. - Frantz Fanon
So you need to be visible, aware and observant as you go by your daily activities, in your decision making.
Example: George W. Bush,

PRO- to be in favor
ACTIVE-to do something, to be involved or to be ready.
The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it instantly, correct and learn from it. This literally turns a failure into a success. A proactive being is someone that can take initiative by acting rather than reacting to events. A proactive being is someone who is a matured, well-adjusted, independent person.
Any one who possess a proactive chromosome has a fundamental ‘motive-power’ i.e. the person has reasons, a strong drive for the re-adjustment process. Motive- Power does not mean that you will keep you audience, followers out of focus or keep them out of the surrounding situation and conditions; it means that you will re-adjust them, give reasons, and take them along with you as you create any changes in the process.

A Proactive Person analysis each situations, problems and proffer plan for solutions. He does not just think about the problem but I search out where the problem source and clarifies the possible (Pragmatic) solutions to the followers.
Remember, that a proactive person is knowledgeable, improving on each tasks, skills and ability, constantly upgrade his potentials, ready to listen, talk less and act.

ASSERTIVENESS-is when someone is confident in stating the position or claim. Making a strong and firm pronouncement on an issue or situation. One popular form of social skills training is assertiveness training, another technique pioneered by Joseph Wolpe. This technique teaches people, often those who are shy; to make appropriate responses when someone does something to them that seems inappropriate or offensive or violates their rights.

EXPERIENCE- it is a common cliché that there is no teacher like experience. As much as we read and study theories, hypothesis, the only way to achieve success consistently is to learn from mistakes and practice firsthand what we have read, heard or seen.
Theory is a good guide for what to avoid, but ultimately we must observe others who have done it successfully, practice a great deal and learn from mistakes then we can create our own space and skills sets to follow in achieving success.
We can increase the chances that we will learn from experience by working from a sound set of principles. Lou Ockey used to say, “There’s a difference between someone with twenty years of experience and someone with one year of experience twenty times”. Experience comes to play when we need to make judgment call without having the benefit of full visibility. Remember the words of Clausewitz, “Whatever is hidden from full view…must be guessed at by talent or simply left to chance”
With lack of experience in any field we might find ourselves what we need to do is to receive training-ideally instruction that includes drill and practice in real life situations, although principles and training can help us become successful, it is the practice of those principles combined with the various experience we‘ve been exposed to that makes us continuously successful.

In conclusion, there is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given, Of other generations much is expected. This generation has a rendezvous with destiny. Some of us reading this article inherit the chromosomes of power from our parents while others are to grow, build theirs. So I do advise that if we want to live an impact here on earth, we must develop the chromosomes of power, we must do your duty, and history will do you justice.
Thank you

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Smiling is infectious; you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too."
~~ Karen McLendon-Laumann
Smiling has implications, both in our personal as well as our business relationships. Smiling overcomes barriers and open doors for people. A sincere smile is a message of goodwill, and is considered a sign of hospitality and confidence when dealing with a friend or a business associate.
There is the saying "Smile and the whole world smiles with you." The value of a smile is priceless. It can't be bought, begged or borrowed. It costs nothing to give, but is the most sincere gift that one might be able to give to another. A smile brings rest to the weary, and is the best antidote for discouragement. It brings sunshine to the sad and hopes to the hopeless.
A smile is infectious, so is our SMILE PROJECT.
SMILE PROJECT is a long term Social Service Project of MAY FOUNDATION. The project mainly focuses on helping and supporting under privileged school children, motherless babies homes, health care centers, etc in rural area. Still the project does not confine itself to that, helping anyone it’s possibly can.
The main objective of this project is to restore the smiles on the face of those we can reach. This project operates and functions with other Donors, Organizations, Institutions, Associations and Clubs "to do more for the people and the society touching more and more lives", as they claim it.
This project is open for anyone to participate in or to get help from.

Last year, we donated food stuff to LITTLE SAINT ORPHANAGE in Lagos, Nigeria as a sign to show our commitment to the objective of the project.For 2010, we are making donations and visitation to CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT CENTER(AUTISM CENTER) in Lagos,Nigeria on the 3rd of June 2010.We had great fun!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


A smile is a facial expression formed by flexing those muscles most notably near both ends of the mouth. Among humans, it is customarily an expression denoting pleasure, happiness, or amusement.

i thought of how to celebrate my birthday and what came to mind is that i should put smile on peoples faces, so I set into action and I propose spending 5 hours with just 1 orphan and making him/her happy for that day.

But due to logistic reasons I could not spend 5 hours but we had 2 hours of fun,playing,chatting, and creating Change. To further in such spirit and trend, I said to myself that I need to let us all know that its a thing of great joy to impact our generation positively and put a smile on someones face each day. so my organization- MAY FOUNDATION will like to get positive minded people all around the world to join us in creating this great change.
>>>We intend to monthly organize what we call a "SMILE PROJECT". it is a project which will involve donations of materials to orphanage home, health care materials to the clinics, hospitals, donation of educational material to schools etc
>>>It will also involve giving out 3 treasures which is our TIME, TALENTs and TREASURE to create a sustainable and positive CHANGE.
>>>With the SMILE PROJECT you can also put your name in the hall of fame of change as one of the great personality that created changes in our generation.


Once again,I appreciate all those who send text, call,post comment on facebook,personal greetings etc to me today as I celebrate my birthday.



Saturday, April 3, 2010


This is wishing all our members a fulfilled Easter Season and do remember that our annual INTERACTIVE HEALTH SEMINAR, where Medical Practitioners gives solution to health issues with FREE Medical Care Services DATE:Wednesday 14 April 2010

VENUE: Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka, Lecture Theater, Opposite St.Finbarrs College,Akoka, Bariga

TIME: 12:00 noon


DR BANJOKO (Senior Registrar LUTH)
PROF. C. EHIGBOR (Christian Faith University Brooklyn)




Pls,indicate you interest by posting ur FULL NAME, SEX,NUMBER to our group wall or

Saturday, March 27, 2010


MAY FOUNDATION is a people oriented initiative committed to the transformation of youths through enhancing, empowering and renewing of their mind. We have set out to support our community, help in the developmental process of youth skills as a means of fostering sustained development among changed youths in our communities. May Foundation, our primary concept is to empower and enhance the vision of zealous youths. We also want to foster sustained developments such as intellectual and skills in our community and imbibe the potentials required for them to embrace their future aspirations.
To position and maintain May Foundation as one of most dynamic youth group and agent of change.
*Zealous, Integrity and Diligence
*Innovative and Creative
*Maintain integrity
*We explore all vision to reality
With support from sponsors, prestigious companies, organizations and individuals, we organize:
*Interactive Seminars for pupils in Public and Private Schools
*Talk Shows and Training for Socio-Educational Clubs and Organizations
*Charity Donations (SMILE PROJECT)
*May Foundation Interactive Health Seminar (MFIHS)
*Entrepreneurship Skills Acquisition Training, Management and Leadership Skills
*Information Technology Tutorials etc

Join us and Let's make the Change
ALOBS GALLERY: 23, Aiyetoro Street, Aguda, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria
CALL: +234-805-631-0293, +234-802-499-4822, +234-706-239-2957
CARE LINE-08080446031

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

May Foundation Health Interactive Seminar (MFHIS) 2011 Edition

The May Foundation Health Interactive Seminar (MFHIS) was established to provide a professional and practical knowledge (Solutions) on health issues. The MFHI seminar series is a quarterly series of seminars designed to provide insight into topical areas of public health. It is co-taught with professionals in the Medical World so that participants learn from those actually involved in creating, implementing, and evaluating public health programs.
A major aim of the seminar is to be a forum for interaction among students and Medical Professionals. Thus, attendance is critical. As with all else in life, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.

1. Present a seminar addressing topical issues in public health.
2. Involve practicing public health experts from state and local health agencies and other agencies involved in public health in the presentation and discussion of topics.
3. Promote interaction and networking between and within the student group and personnel from public health agencies.

12th March 2009: Professor Charles F. Ehigbor, Rector of the Theology School, Christian Faith University, Brooklyn (Nigeria Branch)
He enlightened the 35 Students present at the seminar on the topic “SUSTAINING AN HEALTHY STATUS” which focus on “Pre-Marital Sex and the Aftermath”.

14th April 2010: Dr. Oluwole Banjoko, Senior Registrar Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, MEDILAG, Lagos, Nigeria
He gave depth insight on “DIET AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE”. He explained the risk factors of the Cardiovascular Diseases to the 65 Students present at the seminar.

Join our team for May Foundation Health Interactive Seminar (MFHIS) 2011
Interested Persons should email us: