Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Smiling is infectious; you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too."
~~ Karen McLendon-Laumann
Smiling has implications, both in our personal as well as our business relationships. Smiling overcomes barriers and open doors for people. A sincere smile is a message of goodwill, and is considered a sign of hospitality and confidence when dealing with a friend or a business associate.
There is the saying "Smile and the whole world smiles with you." The value of a smile is priceless. It can't be bought, begged or borrowed. It costs nothing to give, but is the most sincere gift that one might be able to give to another. A smile brings rest to the weary, and is the best antidote for discouragement. It brings sunshine to the sad and hopes to the hopeless.
A smile is infectious, so is our SMILE PROJECT.
SMILE PROJECT is a long term Social Service Project of MAY FOUNDATION. The project mainly focuses on helping and supporting under privileged school children, motherless babies homes, health care centers, etc in rural area. Still the project does not confine itself to that, helping anyone it’s possibly can.
The main objective of this project is to restore the smiles on the face of those we can reach. This project operates and functions with other Donors, Organizations, Institutions, Associations and Clubs "to do more for the people and the society touching more and more lives", as they claim it.
This project is open for anyone to participate in or to get help from.

Last year, we donated food stuff to LITTLE SAINT ORPHANAGE in Lagos, Nigeria as a sign to show our commitment to the objective of the project.For 2010, we are making donations and visitation to CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT CENTER(AUTISM CENTER) in Lagos,Nigeria on the 3rd of June 2010.We had great fun!