Thursday, December 30, 2010


You have some large goal that you wish to achieve in 2011 (in your life), something you feel that you are destined to create. if you reach that goal, it will bring you far greater satisfaction than the evanescent thrills that come from outside diversions. to get there you will have to
1-Learn a CRAFT-Educate yourself and develop the proper skills. Remember that "All human activities involve a process of mastery.
2-You must learn the various STEPS and PROCEDURES involved, proceeding to higher and higher level of PROFICIENCY. This requires DISCIPLINE and TENACITY-the ability to withstand repetitive activity,slowness and the anxiety that comes with a CHALLENGE.
3-You must HELP OTHERS you meet on your way to success, help those whose are in the process of building you up, create an enabling environment for others to grow.
4-Be APPRECIATIVE,give thanks to you Creator and follow human for their support and concern towards your success.He that is full of thanksgiving creates an avenue for more rooms of unexpected blessings.
5-Never you SETTLE FOR LESS,having a larger goal will lift your mind out of the moment and help you endure the hard work.You see yourself improving,you see connection,possibilities.
6-Be CONSISTENT,when you develop the act of doing a particular thing over and over again, you will learn new methods,meet and make new friends that will key into the dream and produce better results with more,little or no effort.
7-Finally,remember that the code to creativity "All things are possible with GOD"-Matthew 19:26. You can't strike Him out of the equation if truly you want to CREATE A CHANGE.
In conclusion, living by the above rules will help us achieve our desired goals in 2011 and as events unfolds we all must endeavor to be an ELEMENT OF CHANGE in our home,community and for our country.



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