Monday, October 17, 2011

Four Virtual Channel of Information Technology by 'LAOLU ALOBA

Today, the amount of business carried out over the Internet is growing fast and has developed to become the business arena for a number of players of all sectors, size and nationality. Most of these companies are putting considerable effort into conquering an anticipated market, offering appealing, attractive and often expensive interfaced web pages over the Internet.
The Internet has created the next revolution in marketing. It has opened up brand new communication channels, the Web, e-mail, and mobile devices with the promise of even more new channels as the wireless era unfolds.
There are many influences that may, to some degree act upon the purchasing decision of a customer. Marketers may have influences on customers, but there exists more powerful influence that marketers have little influences upon, such as socio-cultural influences, Psychological Influences (Attitude, Learning, and Personality).
The use of IT as a Marketing tool has different effect the diagram outlines the main influences that act upon a consumer.
There are (4) FOUR VIRTUAL CHANNELS of Information Technology (IT) which can create a synergy for effective marketing.

Ø  INFORMATION CHANNEL- it’s a medium that defines the company’s economic agent and accessible products, service related information, and explains the stuff the company’s has to offer the customers.
Ø  COMMUNICATION CHANNEL-it’s a medium that engage in the relationship, ideals and opinion building activities such as lobbying, negotiating etc.
Ø  DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL – it’s a medium that defines the company’s economic agent, the distribution of products and services (digital goods and contents etc)
Ø  TRANSACTION CHANNEL- it’s a medium that defines the company’s economic agent to initiate and execute business related transactions (payments, orders etc)
The survey indicated that the total number of Internet users during the year 2000 was
60,850. From the survey it resulted the age group of main users was registered amongst the 16-24 years bracket. The use of Internet decreased proportionally with the rise in the age. (The
Information Society marketplace 2002)

It alters the business foundations and it is not about automating parts of the business that was often the case, but about rethinking and redesigning business models, which is essential for surviving in an information era. Most organizations have found that success in e-business is typically based on building efficient value-added relationships with their customers. For example, the travel industry offers on-line bookings, through which the company can gain valuable insight about the need of its customers

E-commerce is any networked enabled business practice such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), the World Wide Web, direct telephone connection e-mail and more.
An article by Chaplin identified five general types of web advertising formats which are:
1. BANNERS -an advert appearing at the top of a web page
2. VERTICAL COLUMNS - on a frame web page positioned alongside requested content (often as form of sponsorship)
3. POP-UP WINDOWS - Java script opens a browser window with an advert
4. INTERSTITIALS - full screen adverts that appear on a web browser while a page is loading
5. ADVERTORIALS - content-based advertising related to an article or other site content.

The Internet has gathered a great deal of hype and media attention in the past few years.
The descriptions of the Internet as a whole new way to communicate and to do business, is now a fact that cannot be contradicted.
It would be improper to ignore a new way to communicate with one’s customers. Today, a number of companies are building websites in order to communicate to their customers instead of with them. Most Web sites are created to provide an electronic brochure, essentially the Internet version of a sales pitch, a sort of on- line Television Ad. Customers can get the specific information they're interested in, but companies are giving little thought to two-way communication. Companies have to identify the Internet as a communication tool rather than a broadcast medium. Brand managers and market researchers must fully embrace the Internet if they are to learn from their customers

The Internet offers a whole new way to establish rapport with customers. Answering customer questions, solving their problems, and selling them additional products can now be computerized.
The Web offers an additional means of creating the all-important bond of trust and loyalty between buyer and seller. The web has given customers another means of conducting business. The rewards have been lower customer service costs and higher customer satisfaction. These are clearly goals to be envied.
Respond to your e-mail--Create a Bulletin Board--Keep a Customers' Log
Give Access to live Information--Every Customer Is an Individual--Loyalty on the Internet
23,Aiyetoro Street, Aguda, Surulere

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